Thankful :)

Coming into Texas State three years ago I was unsure
of my Decision. Now I know I made
the right choice Credit: My mom
This thanksgiving I am thankful. I am thankful for Texas State and the crazy roller coaster ride I have been on since arriving in the hill country. Texas State has given me a greater outlook on life because of the many adventures I have been on since my arrival. I’ve been able to discover who God has been molding me into. He isn’t done with me, but I am seeing His hand at work. I may have a year and a half left here at school, but I’m glad God has led me here. In addition, Texas State University has given me many diverse opportunities. For instance, I never thought I would take a trip to other state by myself. Two summers ago I was able to take a trip to Colorado for a leadership training with my church. Nor had I ever thought about working at a camp that would drive me crazy for a whole summer, but God opened that door. More so I have seen how God has used this school to develop my leadership abilities because of the organizations he has led me to. Due to my organizations I have been able to hold positions as vice president, community service chair, historian, and as a small group leader.

My family that I get to go home to. Mom, her sisters and
my grandmother. Plus uncles and my stepdad.
Credit: My friend Aimee Perez
In addition to being thankful about the temporary home of Texas State, I am thankful for my hometown and family. There is just something about going home for a break that settles my heart. It is as if all the stress of school is left at the door of my dorm. I have no intention of carrying those stresses home with me. Carrie Underwood’s song “Thank God for Hometowns” couldn’t be more accurate this thanksgiving holiday in describing Rosenberg. “Thank God for hometowns/ and all the love that makes you go round/ thank God for the county lines that welcome you back in/ when you are dying to get out/ thank God for church pews/ and all the faces that won’t forget about you/ cause when you get lost out in this crazy world/ you got somewhere to go to get found/ thank God for hometowns.” The few times I have gone home this semester I felt these lyrics ring true. Every time I drive up to the Rosenberg sign I can’t help but smile at the sign that catered to my teen years. I laugh as I recall all the fun times I had with my friends and family. I shed a tear thinking about how my teen years went by quickly, and how stressful adulthood is. However, our water tower signals a time for relaxation for me. It gives me a few hours to be with the people I care the most about. I see the smiling faces that welcome me back in an instance and I feel at home and relieved.

My amazing homegroup. They have helped me grow
in my relationship with Christ, and have been some
of my biggest supporters here at Texas State.
Credit: Lisa Jarma
But above all I am thankful for my family raising me up in the Lord. My relationship with God has only allowed me to be say I am where I am now because of Him. He has led me to places beyond my wildest dreams. Honestly, I can only praise Him for the mercy and grace He has shown me during each of the adventures He has taken me on. Psalm 28:7 expresses, “the Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him.” I believe that this should be all of us this thanksgiving holiday. God gives and takes away, what great opportunities has God given you this year that you have to be thankful for? 


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