Never Alone

Romans 8:35 states, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” A fellow church member read this verse during worship recently and it was like water to my soul. This past school year was a very stressful year. Yet, despite the stressfulness of my junior year, God has been reminded me that he is with me every step of the way.

The upperclassmen years (junior and senior years) are supposed to be hard because you are taking your major and minor classes. My major is Communication Studies where I’m focused on how people communicate in given situations. For example, family communication is different than small group communication, and interpersonal communication is different than relational communication. Each of these classes there have been some tough moments, but God has helped me fight through them. Moving forward, this year, my junior year, I had to fight for the grades I wanted, and from doing so it left me tired and worn out both the fall and spring semester. There were times I felt like I wouldn’t make it to the end of the semester, and there would be times I didn’t want the day to end. In addition, the biggest thing I struggled with was keeping my relationship with God consistent. There would be days I would feel extremely close to him, and then there would be days I felt pretty far from him. Yet, God used Romans 8:35 to remind me that on the days he seemed extremely far, he never left me. Yet, he was there during all the trials and successes. When I did things my way he was there. As I dived into my meals without praying first, he was there. Lastly, during the late night conversations with my roommate he was there.

Nothing can separate us from him no matter how far we seem to wander. No matter how many days we go without reading our Bibles or acknowledge Him, he is present. This past year was hard, but then Romans 8:39 says, “Neither height nor depth, nor anything in all of creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” No matter the hardship we cannot be separated from him. As Christians we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and savior, and have gained the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us (1 Tim 1:14). The Holy Spirit dwells in us. He will NEVER leave. Jesus uses the Holy Spirit to guide us (John 16:13) and nothing can take the Holy Spirit away from us (John 14:16-17). Which in turn tells us that God, and his son Jesus, will never leave us. The song Never Alone by Barlow Girl speaks lyrics of truth about how we as Christians feel when it seems like God is so far away:
 “I cried out with no reply/ And I can't feel You by my side/ So I'll hold tight to what I know/ You're here and I’m never alone/ And though I cannot see You/ And I can't explain why/ Such a deep, deep reassurance/ You've placed in my life/ We cannot separate/ 'Cause You're part of me/ And though You're invisible/ I'll trust the unseen”.

I pray that over this next month you take the time to remember that He is there. That you may feel alone, and there may be days that nothings goes right, but he is waiting for you to turn to him and ask him for help. I wish I had remembered that over some of the tough moments of this past school year, but my goal for my future is to be more aware of Him. To acknowledge that I may be going through a rough patch but I’m not alone. I’m never alone, and neither are you. 


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