Worthlessness transformed to Worthiness

How is it that you created this world that spins endlessly?
That you chose to breath life into a body of shame and scars? 
Of emptiness?

These eyes lost in the sea of life,
With memories that haunt and mock. 
A heart that feels mangled by hopelessness.

Yet, the crickets burst with song, 
Praise adoring your name. 
Butterflies soar with majestic beauty, 
The skies radiate with clarity, 
The sun rains down its warmth, 

It doesn’t seem right, 
That wretchedness has life. 

There is a sense of adoration that fills the air, 
Love envelops this worthlessness in worthiness. 


Did this body deserve it?
These hands of disrespect. 
Feet of treachery. 
Voice of shame. 
A body full of regret. 
This worthlessness has…. life?


You walked a rugged road, 
Died without a fight. 
Were rejected and scorned. 
A body mangled, died for a body of worthlessness, 
A body worthy of love. 

The change begins to shape.
To hands of love.
To feet of loyalty. 
To a voice of hope.
A body called redeemed. 

No longer a body of worthlessness
No longer a body of shame. 
No longer questioning its worth.
Certainty fills the air
Sunshine falls like snow to heal the scars

These once empty eyes glow.
A bitter heart fills with fresh blood,
Beating to a new drum.
The butterflies twirl rising toward the sky,
The cricket's song grows.
They know.

They proclaim.
“Redeemed by love,
A child of the King once more!"


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