
Showing posts from February, 2018

A subtle change

Taken Christmas day Last month I participated in my church's annual 21 days of prayer and fasting. As I look back on those 3 weeks I see that the habits I had created had changed. I knew that it would be a possibility since the series at church was titled “Uphill Habits”, but the fact that I changed surprised me.  The alarm going off at 4:45am versus 5am was an uphill habit that was a struggle and also a victory for me. Yes, it’s only a 15 minute difference from my original time, but because of that 15 minute change I was able to go to prayer for 15 minutes before driving to work. Worship with my church community was honestly a blessing. The time was so sacred for our church. The first few mornings I was tired and unsure about making it to work on time, but soon that worry faded. Instead I entered into Gods presence, and let him take care of everything else that followed. I’m extremely thankful that my pastor had this set time of year because not only was my focus in the m