God Is.....

You are staring up into the sky with tears in your eyes wondering why God isn’t answering your prayers. Why is it that your whole world is falling apart and it seems that God doesn’t seem to care? “God why don’t you fix this” you shout. A still small voice responds with, “Have you given me everything about you?”

God is: everything to me. June 30th 2012 was the day I recall Christ becoming my center. He became the center of all I do. I actually gave my heart to him when I was twelve years old, however, I feel that June 30th was when my relationship with Him really began. After this date I really began digging into His Word and finding out more about who He is. Also at this time I started to see His plan for my life beginning to form. Yet, before this date I had just ended my junior year of high school, and was stressing out tremendously. I could tell that all the stress was taking time away from God, so my relationship with him seemed nonexistent. I had no idea what to do about my current situation, and I felt helpless. So on that day as I was working at my pool, I grabbed my headphones, walked to the opposite side of the pool, turned my iPod to the song “Everything To Me” by Avalon, and cried out to God. As the tears flowed I could feel myself relaxing, and knew that everything would be ok. Since that day I have worked hard in ensuring that Christ is in every aspect of my life. It has not been easy to let Him take control, but it has been life changing. God has shown me His mighty hand in many situations since that day two years ago, and I have grown stronger from seeing Him move in my life.

Centering your trust, faith, family, relationships, and everything about your life in him is difficult, but his word says, “I am the vine: you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Think about that: “Apart from me you can do nothing,” that strength you need to get through your school or work day is found in Him. The love you need to show toward those you dislike comes from Him. The everlasting peace that surpasses all understanding comes from our father up above. My question to you the reader is: Who is God to you? Is he someone who you only go to when you need something? Or perhaps you believe in Him, but aren’t pursuing a relationship with Him.

In 1 Samuel 2:2 Hannah prays ‘There is no one holy like the Lord: there is no one besides you: there is no rock like our God.” She prays this because she knows that no matter what He is never changing. He’s healed the brokenhearted, allowed a blind man to see, shown love to the fatherless, and shown countless acts of mercy. Most importantly he has given us new life in Him. “He who is seated on the throne said ‘behold I am making all things new’” (Rev 21:5). If you allow Him to be your everything then your whole world will change, and you will become a new creature in Christ Jesus. In addition to that all your past has been wiped clean. He has thrown all your sins as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). So the question that is raised is: Is Christ the center of your life? If not, why are you holding back from allowing Christ to mold you into who He has created you to be? God sent his only son, Jesus, to die in your place. So make the decision today to allow Jesus Christ to be your all in all, if he is not already.


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