Sorrow turned to Dancing

Have you ever received so many no’s that you fear you will ever hear a yes? The discouragement starts to settles in and you begin settle for less than the best. This has recently happened to me, but the verse, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9) has wandered back to me.

This past semester I was told no numerous times: No to going back to Colorado, no to going on a study abroad trip, no to a camp counselor position at a camp, and lastly, no to an internship job in South Carolina. All these no’s had me beyond discouraged about receiving a job this summer. It came to the point of me not wanting to apply for anything else in fear of receiving another no, but God lead me down a different path.

It was the week of waiting to hear back from the South Carolina internship when our school had their annual summer job and internship job fair. I was walking by the ballroom where the fair was taking place and my curiosity was held in trying to see what jobs were recruiting without going into the ballroom. As I was straining my neck trying to look inside one of the administrators walked up to me and started encouraging me to go in to get a better look. I honestly had no intention of going in, I wasn’t dressed properly nor did I have my resumes with me, but my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to go in and check it out. So I walked in started making my way from table to table and told each of them, “I am waiting on an internship right now,” and I was met with, “Ok, well here is our information and you can fill our information sheet if you would like.” Some companies received my information and others did not. The day following the job fair I received an email from one of the recruiters with a copy of their summer job application. I was surprised at the quick follow up but did not respond till after I got my response back from South Carolina. I had received a no from South Carolina and a yes as a camp counselor at Camp Buckner! Prior to receiving that yes I went through the interview, and as my boss asked me questions I was nervous thinking that I might not get this job after all the no’s, however, God turned my sorrow into dancing.

My boss, co-workers and I at the statue of RC Buckner. He is
the "Father" of Buckner International. 
As I look back on the other jobs I see that they were not offering me what Camp Buckner is offering me. The biggest difference is that Camp Buckner is part of a bigger organization called Buckner International. Which provides children with a loving home through adoption, single parents with children a home where they can be restored, shoes for those in need, and so much more! The slogan is “Hope Shines Here.” Working here is allowing me to be apart of an organization that cares more about the lives that walk the campus than the actual job. It is all about serving the people to the best of our abilities, and using your God given gifts that He gave you.

Lastly, the many no’s may be frightening but keep stepping out in faith for that yes you are believing for. Isaiah 30:18 states, “Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, for the Lord is a God of justice, blessed are all those who wait for him.” The no’s we are faced with should be what
drives us to ask God why it was a no. It should be a time of drawing nearer to Him and evaluating our gifts and talents and finding where He wants us to use them. Those no’s are to bring attention to himself and for us to know to wait on Him. So next time you are faced with countless no’s turn your eyes to Him and keep pressing forward. Don’t give up on hearing a yes because that yes is coming, you just have to wait on his timing.


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