Relationship on hold

Psalm 97:3 states “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” The desires of your heart include everything ranging from the dreams that are hidden away to relationships. Relationships were one of the main forms of life that surrounded me in high school. There always seemed to be a couple displaying their undying love for each other in those crowded halls. Yet it seemed as if those same exact couples changed their relationships within that same week.

                Growing up surrounded by Cinderella stories and your grandparents completely devoted to each other puts a lot of pressure on us young adults. We tend to believe it is our job to search for that particular person. Then if we do meet someone but that certain guy or girl does not have that one specific attribute we are looking for, then we completely write them off. Or say they do not look like the Romeo or Juliet you always pictured, but that is what God gave you. When that happens do you: take off running in the opposite direction, or do you stay and see how things turn out? Our Romeo or Juliet is never going to be the person we created in our head. Majority of the time our other half is going to be better than what we have imagined in our head, and the love story will be unique.

Men and women come and go, but as a new one enters our lives they leave an imprint that they had no idea they left. Each one gives us a better idea of exactly what we should be aware of and look for in our future husband/ wife. Ever since I have arrived at college I have met a few guys who have given me traits to be aware of. That is one of the many situations one gets to experience in college. You are able to take your past relationships from high school and apply it when dating in college. When college comes around you will see that those past relationships were nothing compared to what you have now, because at this stage in life everyone has learned the definition of heartbreak, and are looking for their future husband or wife. As a single college girl roaming the campus, I see the real definition of love between couples. A love that I can tell will not be temporary. A God created love story.

Speaking of love stories, everyone’s is different. Various people dream of that teenage love that will last a life time. However, for the majority of people that dream will burst. For some they will force it to happen at a young age so they can follow everyone else, but that is not what God has planned for us. He wants us to be surprised and overjoyed with our future spouse. Your love story should be a crafted and a perfected love song that only you know the lyrics to. That love song should not be overrun by emotions and one night stands. To me there is nothing special or romantic about that. In spite of that, the hardest part is letting someone who you cannot see be in charge of your love life. How can you trust someone you can’t see, and by doing so you are letting go of a very intimate area of your life to uncertainty. However, sometimes it is best to let go.

                Why not let go to a God who knows what makes us happy. Who has our best interest at heart. Who knows what we desire in a guy/girl. Once we decide to let go and let God be in control of our love life, we have to be prepared to fully trust him. Be prepared for what you are not expecting. Yet be expecting for your Romeo or Juliet to be better than what you ever imagined. So with that forge with a ready willing heart into a miraculously amazing love story you can call your own.


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